Sunflowers KS1 Class

Welcome to Sunflowers Class with Mrs Andrews, Mrs Watson and Miss Goodwin



  • Sunflowers are given the choice of dry cereal, toasted bagel or a piece of fruit during breakfast club as part of our daily welcome and settling in routine. If children wish to bring their own healthy snack from home they can do; however, no nuts please.
  • PE takes place on Wednesday afternoons – Children will bring their kit into school at the start of each half term and leave in school so that the children can dress and undress in school for PE. This will support the children’s development of important independence and physical skills through dressing and undressing.
  • PE kit is black or dark grey joggers or royal blue shorts and a white t-shirt with royal blue school jumper or cardigan and black pumps. No trainers with laces please as the children need to be able to their pumps on and off themselves.
  • Our children love water and puddles so a pair of wellies left at school is really useful.
  • Reading books are where appropriate are changed Fridays. Please ensure book bags are in School on Thursdays.

Curriculum and Learning in Sunflowers