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The School Day
Pupils are admitted to the reception class in September of the year in which they will be five. We can admit up to 30 reception children each year. If we are full at any time we follow the Local Authority Admissions Policy. Please see the admission tab or the admissions policy for further information.
School Times
School day: Our doors open at 8.45 AM. The school day starts at 8.55 AM and ends at 3.10 PM for KS1 for KS2 3.15 PM
Independance Mornings
Staff at Topcliffe believe in promoting independence and responsibility for all our children. This is important as it provides children with the opportunity to organise themselves, treat each other with respect and to move about their environment in an efficient and acceptable manner. To support this vision the school is open to all pupils from 8:45am. During this time children are given the responsibility to go to their classroom independently, prepare for the working day and to catch up or revisit any work that is required. The children are challenged to work independently to enhance and develop their own learning. If required the class teacher is on hand to support. At 8:55am the school day begins and registration commences. All children are expected to be in their classroom ready to learn by this time. If your child is in the Foundation Stage or Year One you may join them between 8:45 and 9:15 to support them with their learning. It is important to stress that, this is time for yourself and your child to work together and for you to support their learning. It should not be used as a time to hold an impromptu consultation with the class teacher as other times are set aside for that purpose. At the end of each school day all children should be collected promptly at 3.10 pm by a responsible person who is known to the school. Please inform your child’s teacher or the Headteacher if you make any changes to your arrangements.
Please make sure your child arrives on time, it enables your child to have a calm start to the school day with the rest of the class. Persistent lateness will be followed up by the Headteacher and could be referred to the school Attendance Team.
Emergency Closure
If the school is forced to close overnight due to very poor weather conditions or for any other unforeseen reason a message will be on the school website and broadcast on BBC Radio WM from 6.30a.m onwards. Please do not telephone school for confirmation as staff will have been affected too.
Emergency Contact Information
Please ensure that your contact details are correct, and that the school is told about any health matters, especially allergies relating to your child.
Charges and Remissions
The Governing Body recognises the valuable contributions that the wide range of additional activities, including clubs, trips and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ personal and social education. We aim to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional optional activities. The Governing Body will invite parents to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of educational visits within school hours. Payment cannot be required of parents and no child will ever be excluded from a trip through non-payment. However, parents are advised that where insufficient contributions are received, a proposed trip cannot proceed. The Charges and Remissions Policy follows the government guidelines and is reviewed annually by the Governors.