
At Topcliffe our children and staff love to read! From Reception up to Year 6, we pride ourselves with how our children are immersed in a wide range of different high quality texts.  Books are used as a basis for learning, pleasure, talk and play so the children can value and celebrate diversity in culture and language, through reading.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr Seuss

Reading has a central role in the curriculum and is given the highest priority. Children learn to read and then read to learn across the curriculum. Reading is taught in all of our classes daily through phonics in EYFS and KS1 and whole class reading sessions in KS2.

As children investigate reading for meaning they have the help of ‘Resilient Reader,’ our friendly Reading Superhero. Staff underpin their teaching by using Minerva Learning skills to ensure that all children from Reception through to Year 6 are equipped with all the skills they need to be fluent, confident and thoughtful readers.

We are developing a reading for pleasure ethos using our daily story time, Bookflix in classes and our well stocked library.
