
Music Purpose of Study and Intent 

Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. For this reason, music is an integral part of our school curriculum, as all children, even from an early age, require an artistic outlet. For many pupils, music can act as a vehicle for this artistic expression and can enable them to express their feelings and emotions in a constructive and creative manner.​

The overarching aim of teaching music at Topcliffe is not to produce trained musicians but rather to develop appreciation, sensitivity and understanding of different musical genres, as well as developing enjoyment and encouraging children to explore their emotional responses through participating in music based activities.​ Children will take part in a range of activities including, listening, singing, composing, practising and performing. 

Taking part in music lessons will also further develop the skills, attributes and attitudes that children can use to support their learning in other curriculum areas. For example, elements of science help children to recognise which sounds do and do not complement each other.

Evidence of the lessons and any other music taught in class, for example class assemblies, performances for parents or the local community, cross curricular lessons, or whole school events, can be seen in videos, photos, recordings or written reviews or self-evaluations completed by children.

Year 5 also have weekly specialist teaching delivered by a peripatetic music teacher from Services for Education.  Each child is provided with an instrument for these lessons. 

