Creative Arts Showcase

Self Portrait Art Displays - All of the children in school worked on a self portrait. Each class worked in the style of a different artist and learned about the life and times of the Artist themselves and worked using the same style and techniques to create their own portraits.

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Self Portraits

IKON Creative Connections Project

The children in Pines, Oaks and Willows Classes were lucky enough to take part in a project with the Ikon Gallery as part of Creative Connections. Organised by Ikon, the project involved 930 primary school pupils who visited Ikon’s exhibition of drawings and paintings by Edward Lear. The pupils then worked with Birmingham-based visual artists back in their classrooms to create bold and experimental pieces responding to the theme ‘journeys’. Students’ ideas and actions are captured in their artworks which convey their unique experiences of place, movement and culture.

Topcliffe worked with a ceramics artist Joanne Masding learning all about journeys linked with an exhibition that was displayed at the Ikon Gallery earlier this year. Pupils created some ceramics artwork of their own which were displayed in a real live exhibition at the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham City. You can see the virtual exhibit below and also some photos of our children's fabulous ceramics work.

Schools Showcase: Creative Connections - Exhibition - Ikon ( 

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Ikon Gallery Clay Project

The children in Pines, Oaks and Willows Classes were lucky enough to take part in a project with the Ikon Gallery as part of Creative Connections. Organised by Ikon, the project involved 930 primary school pupils who visited Ikon’s exhibition of drawings and paintings by Edward Lear. The pupils then worked with Birmingham-based visual artists back in their classrooms to create bold and experimental pieces responding to the theme ‘journeys’. Students’ ideas and actions are captured in their artworks which convey their unique experiences of place, movement and culture.

Topcliffe worked with a ceramics artist Joanne Masding learning all about journeys linked with an exhibition that was displayed at the Ikon Gallery earlier this year. Pupils created some ceramics artwork of their own which were displayed in a real live exhibition at the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham City. You can see the virtual exhibit below and also some photos of our children's fabulous ceramics work.

Schools Showcase: Creative Connections - Exhibition - Ikon ( 


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